Seven costly mistakes when upgrading lighting
With new intelligent and networked lighting, you can save up to 95% on energy costs.
Avoid the following mistakes:
1. Not analysing your own needs
2. Cutting back on control
3. Opting for the cheapest solution
4. Lighting system is not optimised
5. Luminaires have inadequate light quality
6. Applying for funding too late
7. Responsibilities are not clearly defined
Are you a building owner planning an urgently needed upgrade of your lighting system to avoid spending so much money on your electricity bill?
If so, you are in good company. This is a highly topical issue!
SwissEnergy recently published a fact sheet üon switching from fluorescent lamps to LEDs. The fact sheet includes a special ‘hit parade’ listing the seven most expensive mistakes made when replacing lighting.
Since we have been helping building owners save money with intelligent lighting solutions for over seven years, we will show you here how to avoid these mistakes.
Are you ready?
This is probably the most common mistake. We understand that a comprehensive analysis of existing luminaires and future solutions involves a lot of work. You may also wonder whether it will actually pay off in the end. Our answer: definitely, if you do it right!
Even if lighting is not your core business and you may not be familiar with the latest technology, don’t worry!
You just need to know how to avoid these mistakes.
Conduct a lighting analysis with us. Take the time to look at your current lighting system and future requirements. This is the basis for saving a lot of energy (and money) – with better quality lighting!
Talk to our experts. Together we will look at your needs and recommend a lighting solution that is right for you!
Click here o read about how to avoid making further mistakes when refurbishing your lighting!
You can easily upgrade to more efficient LED luminaires and save up to 42%. But savings of up to 95% are possible if you opt for intelligent lighting control.
So why pay 53% more – every month?
How do you choose a smart solution that suits your needs? Let us show you how smart lighting control works. Book a
Let us guess: You want to save money on your lighting renovation project. That makes sense. But the cheapest solution is not always the best.
As EnergieSchweiz puts it: ‘The solution with the lowest investment costs can become expensive over the years’.
As EnergieSchweiz puts it: ‘The solution with the lowest investment costs can become expensive over the years’.
- Cheap (non-intelligent) lighting options consume significantly more energy than intelligent, networked lighting solutions. This means that you will pay significantly more for electricity in the long run.
- Cheap luminaires do not provide the same quality of light and the same lighting experience as connected lighting. Often, they do not even meet the standards. This can lead to eye strain, headaches and fatigue.
- Cheap luminaires are often not as durable. This means that they have to be replaced more often, driving up the total cost.
As a building owner, your goal is to get a good return on your investment. Therefore, when making investment decisions, consider the total cost per year and the energy consumption over a period of 5 years. Our specialised team can help you find out how much energy you can save!
Even if you have installed a state-of-the-art, intelligent lighting solution, you may be missing out on significant savings. How? Once the renovation is complete, it is important to customise the intelligent lighting system. Make sure that it works efficiently and is optimised for the most effective use of energy.
Who can guarantee that your intelligent lighting system is working efficiently and that your energy bill will be significantly lower? Leave it to us as professionals 😊.
Do you want to avoid these mistakes when refurbishing your lighting? Contact us today and get a free consultation. We will help you determine your needs and take care of the planning and implementation. This will save you money in the end and reduce energy consumption.
The quality of light has an influence on the health and productivity of users. If the quality of light is insufficient, it is not pleasant to live or safe to work.
The solution sounds simple: choose high-quality, networked luminaires that provide pleasant light.
Do you want to avoid this expensive mistake when renovating your lighting? We will help you determine your needs and take over the planning and implementation. Save energy and money with nevalux!
There are state subsidies for intelligent lighting renovations. Many building owners are unaware of this. They also don’t know that the application must be submitted before the contract is awarded. Those who act too late miss out on a valuable renovation contribution.
Good to know. What now?
We have specialists who can help you apply for state funding for lighting renovations. We do the work, you get the money. It couldn’t be easier!
Often, building owners delegate the lighting to the electrician. This may sound like the easiest option. The truth is that most electricians are not familiar with the latest innovations and cannot offer you the best solution. Nevertheless, you need to hand over your lighting renovation to someone else. Someone you trust.
What should you do? Here are some tips:
- Transfer overall responsibility for the project to one company. This way, you have a single point of contact and the guarantee that everyone is working towards the same goal.
- Create a clear division of tasks between the electrician and the luminaire supplier. This will help you avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
- Keep a written record of all decisions and agreements. This can be valuable in the event of any disputes.
- Hold regular meetings to review progress. This will ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.
It all sounds like a lot of work. It is. But we won’t leave you on your own. Project management is our bread and butter, and we’ll be happy to support and guide you. So that your lighting renovation project can be completed on time and within budget!
What are you waiting for? Contact us today to learn more about how to avoid costly mistakes in lighting renovation and save money.
We look forward to hearing from you!