Social commitment always creates added value for everyone involved. We at nevalux AG are convinced of this.
As a company, commit yourself to organisations that are close to you.
As a company, you set a positive example when you take responsibility for people who need help.
Working together as a team on a project is an enormous challenge for team spirit.
A show of solidarity has an inspiring effect on your employees. This in turn has a positive effect on their work and their identification with the company.
And importantly, although you can’t do everything, you can at least do something!
This is why solidarity is one of the pillars of our company, alongside profitability and team culture. There are many different ways for companies to make a valuable contribution to society. This blog shows you how we at nevalux AG get involved and what we mean by the added value mentioned at the beginning. And of course we are also happy to provide you with information over the phone. Contact
As nevalux AG, we have long been committed to helping people in Eastern Europe who barely have enough to live on. The fact that we were in Moldova has to do with my (author’s) connection to the aid organisation AVC Switzerland, which is responsible for the project. I am amazed at what has developed with little funding and a lot of commitment since my last visit in 2019. A children’s home and a residential home for elderly and disabled people have been created, as well as a place where children can get a warm meal. Our involvement:
- In the bakery: For nine years, between 500 and 800 loaves of bread have been baked and given away three times a week.
- In the orphanage: nevalux luminaires installed in various rooms.
- On the road: distributing food parcels with basic foodstuffs, Firewood that we have processed ourselves and pellets from plant residues for heating.
The joy and gratitude for our help was palpable both among those responsible on site and the local population. Despite language barriers, we had some unforgettable encounters. We are impressed by how children, destitute elderly people, people with disabilities and also villagers have improved their quality of life in recent years thanks to the project.
- Thanks to the bakery, families not only have their daily bread. For the women, who sometimes wait an hour for their turn, the bakery is also a place of community.
- The financial relief is also crucial. For example: A cubic metre of wood costs CHF 100, the average pension is CHF 110!
The assignment was team-building at all levels and a personal development experience for the participants. All eight nevalux employees who took part in the mission are deeply grateful.
- “Some of the people in Moldova live in the most difficult circumstances. It’s a privilege to live in a country like Switzerland, to never go hungry and to have a safe roof over your head.”
- “I was impressed by the friendliness of the people. And also that I didn’t hear any complaints.”
- “Having a job and earning my own living is no longer a matter of course for me since my deployment.”
- “It was very enriching to get to know and appreciate my colleagues in a completely different context.”
Support — be it manpower and/or money — is needed by countless social projects at home and abroad. As nevalux AG, we have deliberately focussed on one project. We don’t want to provide support according to the watering-can principle, but rather consciously make a formative difference in one place. In addition, the impetus for the project in Moldova came from the employees. The personal connection is there and is cultivated accordingly.
Where social commitment within the company is more than just an annual donation to a local aid project, it becomes a topic of conversation throughout the year.
- Ideally, the management should provide information on the progress of the project three to four times a year and thus involve the employees.
- This presupposes that the “head of the company” leads the way enthusiastically and shows its employees that responsibility is taken on in social projects.
- “Do good and talk about it!” It doesn’t have to be a large-scale marketing campaign. Nevertheless, such a commitment has a positive effect on our image, which in turn has a positive impact on employee recruitment. And the most important thing is that those who set a good example will find imitators. “This is just a drop in the ocean.” Not true! We can’t do everything, but at least we can do something!
- Take the plunge, it’s worth it!