The 7 most important facts

of intel­ligent light

We often talk about intel­ligent light. But what exactly is it?

The defi­n­ition of intel­ligent light:
Light can be more than just “on” or “off”. Intel­ligent lighting is created by combining LEDs and inte­grated sensors. It can be networked and is therefore also referred to as connected lighting.

We show you how to achieve a new level of lighting with intel­ligent light. We take all economic and ecological aspects into account.

What makes a lumi­naire intel­ligent — an attribute that people usually love to claim for them­selves? How does smart light work and what advan­tages does it offer?

nevalux AG is the leading company for intel­ligent lighting solu­tions in Switzerland. In this blog, we share our knowledge and expe­rience with the most important facts about intel­ligent lighting. We will be happy to provide you with personal infor­mation, just give us a call -> click here

Immerse yourself in the fasci­nating world of intel­ligent light here:

In diesem Artikel:

Number 1

The defi­n­ition of intel­ligent light

Intel­ligent means that light can do more than just be “on” or “off”. Intel­ligent lighting is created by combining LEDs and inte­grated sensors. It can be networked and is therefore also referred to as connected lighting. 

  • LEDs can be dimmed without loss and switched as often as required
  • .
  • Sensors reliably detect the smallest move­ments and measure daylight
  • .
  • The lumi­naires are easy to network and exchange infor­mation for motion detection and brightness measurement.
  • Intel­ligent lumi­naires only switch on as much light as is necessary, but always enough so that users feel safe. The light leads the way and provides reliable support. True to our motto: “The right light in the right place and at the right time”.

Number 2

Sensor tech­nology is the key

Sensors have very different tasks, including daylight measurement, motion or presence detection. They detect the smallest move­ments and register changes in the proportion of daylight. This detailed detection makes them indis­pensable for intel­ligent lighting management systems. 

Motion sensors only activate the light when it is actually needed. This reduces energy consumption, which in turn has a positive impact on the envi­ronment. The economic benefits are also obvious: the less a lumi­naire is used, the longer its service life. 

Daylight sensors measure the amount of natural daylight and adjust the intensity of the lighting accord­ingly. This means that the light is neither too dark nor dazzling, but provides pleasant company.

Number 3

Control system

Intel­ligent LED light uses demand-based, networked control with many presence and daylight sensors, which leads to signif­icant savings and a consid­erably longer service life of the system compared to conven­tional LEDs. 

The control system also logs all processes and consumption. You specify rules for the lumi­naires as to how and when they should work. And the lumi­naires record what they have done and how little they have consumed. Our lighting solu­tions can also be over­ridden manually. 

Number 4

Light quality

Intel­ligent light is always good light. The quality must be right and adapted to the require­ments and personal needs. Whether in an indus­trial hall or for a demanding visual task, light must be supportive. It should not be tiring, irri­tating or dazzling, but should make life easier with the exact brightness level. 

Number 5

Energy saving

We’ll let the figures do the talking, namely the percentage energy savings in a resi­dential estate in Zurich-Höngg with 17 houses and a total of 131 resi­dential units.

The intel­ligent lighting solution comprising LEDs, sensors and controls has led to a reduction in elec­tricity consumption of over 95%. Of the 95% energy savings, 53% are attrib­utable to the lighting control system and 42% to the effi­cient LED lumi­naires. If the measurement is extrap­o­lated to all 17 ASIG buildings in Rütihof, 26.7 MWh can be saved per year. 

The figures were collected as part of “Senso­Light”, a project of the ener­gy­light initiative supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. Lighting refur­bishment with intel­ligent lumi­naires is therefore defi­nitely worth­while. Inter­ested? We will be happy to help you! 

Number 6

Safety and well-being

At its best, light is always user-friendly. This means that users expe­rience exactly the right amount of light. Only as much as necessary, but always enough to feel safe. It is also important that the appli­cation is as simple as possible. Many light switches are a thing of the past. 

Number 7

Intel­ligent light — a win-win-win story

Finally, a summary of the winners of intel­ligent lighting solu­tions: People, the envi­ronment and the budget all benefit. That’s why it pays off threefold to opt for future-oriented lighting. 

For humans:

  • Increase safety
  • Provide orien­tation
  • Facil­itate use
  • Improve comfort
  • Save costs

Economic aspects:

  • Saving energy
  • Reduce costs
  • Reduce oper­ating and main­te­nance costs
  • Increase flex­i­bility in use
  • Increase the value of the building

Ecological aspects:

  • Inclusion of natural light
  • Saving resources
  • Reducing light pollution
  • Protecting nature — for future generations

Do you want to do some­thing good for people, the envi­ronment and your budget? Get in touch with us. We’ll show you how you can reach a new level of lighting with intel­ligent light.

This article is written by:

Matthias Käser
Retail Sales, Head of Product Management 

29. October 2024 

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