Seven steps

to perfect lighting renovation

Compre­hensive lighting reno­vation requires careful planning and execution.

These steps are important:

1. Take your time for a compre­hensive consul­tation and a precise analysis of your property. Those who take a super­ficial approach to this first step or cut corners are often disap­pointed with the result.
2. Detailed planning and a compre­hensive solution design can help to avoid mistakes.
3. Once the concept has been developed, it is time to implement the instal­lation. Make sure that the system is put into oper­ation care­fully; this increases the potential for savings!
4. The person respon­sible on site (elec­trician, care­taker, etc.) should be famil­iarised with the new lighting solution. If ques­tions or problems arise, further support is a matter of course.

Save money, reduce energy consumption and keep instal­lation and main­te­nance costs low: To achieve these goals when reno­vating a lighting system, follow these seven steps. They will ensure that your lighting project is success­fully imple­mented and that everyone involved is satisfied with the result. 

This article covers:

Step 1

Consul­tancy and analysis

There are many players and countless offers in the lighting sector. Don’t just go for the first (and cheapest) offer that comes your way. Compare providers and make sure that you have a reliable partner at your side in the form of a lighting expert.

  • Consul­tation: The first meeting, either on the phone or in person, will cover your needs and the initial situ­ation. Find out about intel­ligent lighting solu­tions and clarify whether a feasi­bility study is needed. 
  • Needs analysis: How much light do the premises need? How important are the aesthetics? These are the ques­tions that need to be answered.
  • Potential analysis: Have the energy-saving potential and possible cost savings demon­strated to you. 
  • Opti­mi­sation: The aim with existing prop­erties is always to optimise the lighting system in terms of energy consumption and light quality. 

Step 2

Planning, solution design and concept

In this phase, existing planning docu­ments are used to clarify whether a complete replacement or a partial reno­vation is the right solution. Other points are also crucial: 

  • Optimal placement: How many lumi­naires are needed? Where is the most sensible place to position sensors? It’s worth taking a close look here.
  • Light calcu­la­tions: An important aspect is the illu­mi­nance and thus the light calcu­lation. How much and what type of light is required for your project?
  • Lighting concept: Based on the points listed above, the expert creates a lighting solution that meets all requirements.
  • Subsidies: If you are renewing lighting systems in existing buildings, you are entitled to subsidies. In most cases, the appli­cation is handled by the lighting expert over­seeing the project.

Step 3

Develop imple­men­tation plans

Once a solution design has been developed and a concept created, detailed imple­men­tation plans are drawn up. These form the basis for a smooth instal­lation, which is carried out by an expe­ri­enced electrician. 

Step 4


Although the instal­lation of most intel­ligent lighting solu­tions is a breeze thanks to wireless networking, only allow elec­tri­cians with the necessary tech­nical know-how to work on your new lighting system. Proper instal­lation is essential.

Step 5


Commis­sioning involves many aspects: the daylight must be measured, the illu­mi­nance must be correct, and the follow-up time must be appro­priate. Exces­sively large lighting groups and insuf­fi­cient sensor density do not lead to the desired result. Only rely on those specialists who offer you careful commissioning. 

  • Support: You will receive help with setting up and opti­mising your lighting solution. Commis­sioning is best left to the lighting experts, who will take all the important points into account. 
  • Trou­bleshooting You will receive help with setting up and opti­mising your lighting solution. Commis­sioning is best left to the lighting experts, who will take all the important points into account. 

Step 6


After users have been moving around in the newly lit rooms for a few days/weeks, there is often a desire for read­just­ments. Espe­cially in offices and production halls, it is important that the work­place is well lit.

Step 7

Training and support

Lumi­naires and sensors are oper­ating as desired — every­thing is fine, job done? Make sure you get further support from the lighting experts. 

  • Training: Elec­trical contractors, facility managers and main­te­nance staff need appro­priate training to be able to make settings them­selves. This provides certainty and they get to know the systems used better.
  • Support: Never­theless, you need to be able to rely on the lighting experts to continue to support you with advice and assistance.

And finally…

Compre­hensive advice, precise planning, smooth imple­men­tation and ongoing support — this is how your projects can be imple­mented more easily, effi­ciently and success­fully, taking your lighting project to a new level.

Find out more about what nevalux AG can offer you in the area of lighting refur­bishment. Visit our website: 

This article is written by:

Fabian Bolliger
Internal Sales 

21. January 2025 

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