Sunnehof devel­opment Fällanden

Intel­ligent staircase lighting


The stair­cases of the modern super­structure are equipped with wireless networked lights with swarm function. The brightness of the main and orien­tation light, which gives the resi­dents a good feeling of security, can be indi­vid­ually adjusted. In the event of a power failure, no one in Sunnehof is left in the dark: The optional emer­gency light module with status LED and simple test function provides suffi­cient light.


Because light should put you in a good mood

Products in detail

First-class interior lighting solu­tions have a name:

RS PRO Connect R‑Series R‑series emer­gency light module

Now it’s time to work together.

Ich bin Fabian Bolliger. Am besten sprechen wir uns persönlich.

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 20 Contact us