BSA Voca­tional College Aarau

Intel­ligent lighting for IT office, class‑, meeting- and teachers’ rooms


More light, higher effi­ciency and no main­te­nance for IT office, classroom and meeting room lighting. In addition, thanks to highly effi­cient ceiling lumi­naires, energy consumption is massively reduced. With the instal­lation of the classroom lumi­naires in the existing lumi­naire housings, the proven could be combined with the modern, upgraded with func­tion­al­ities such as constant light control, seamless presence detection and light group formation with intu­itive oper­ation, of course!


Because light should put you in a good mood

Products in detail

First-class lighting solu­tions in education have a name:

nefera C60 4K nefera C120 4K LED Insert B1500 HO 4K DALI

Now it’s time to work together.

Ich bin Fabian Bolliger. Am besten sprechen wir uns persönlich.

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 20 Contact us