Street lighting Eschenbach SG

Intel­ligent light accompaniment

Intel­ligent, energy-effi­cient, beau­ti­fully designed. The new gener­ation of street luminaires.

Who likes walking through dark streets late at night? The people of Eschenbach certainly don’t. Never­theless, it makes no sense to leave the street lighting on all night for indi­vidual night owls and dog walkers.
With the intel­ligent, digi­tally controlled lighting solution from nevalux, everyone is served. The modern LED lumi­naires are dimmed in a targeted manner, which reduces energy consumption and increases the feeling of safety. The solution is also tech­no­log­i­cally top-notch: the cloud-based system enables remote lighting control as well as moni­toring and control of the luminaires.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality Eschenbach SG
  • LocationQuarters in St. Gallenkappel, Goldingen und Eschenbach
  • Appli­cationStreet lighting
  • Our serviceConsulting, solution, planning, project implementation
  • Productsi‑Fux CityStreet3 Connect


shows how: Ahead of the times with intel­ligent LED street lights

Bright enthu­siasm among night owls and early risers


The old street lights had had their day, the energy commission of the munic­i­pality of Eschenbach SG agreed. In search of an energy-effi­cient, inno­v­ative and future-oriented solution, the munic­i­pality chose nevalux AG as its partner and the i‑Fux CityStreet3 Connect as the new luminaire.

This is us

This is how it works… 

After a pilot phase, various neigh­bour­hoods of Eschenbach, Goldingen and St. Gallenkappel have now been converted. The settings are indi­vid­ually designed:

When it gets dark until 9 pm: 

50% light intensity without motion detection.

9 pm to 1 am: 

10% basic light with motion detection up to 50%.

1 am to 5 am: 

switched off with motion detection up to 30%.

5 am until light: 

50% without motion detection.

This ensures that pedes­trians and people trav­elling by bicycle, motorbike and car are suffi­ciently accom­panied by the light. The solution is motion- and time-controlled and thus energy-efficient.
The control tech­nology used here is also trend-setting. A digital light management system with remote access via a gateway was used to set the lumi­naires indi­vid­ually and connect them to each other using mesh tech­nology. The intel­ligent system enables the retrieval of real-time data, provides fault messages and indi­cates energy consumption.
With this solution, the munic­i­pality of Eschenbach has ventured into the age of the smart city.

How to clear the way to the Smart City 

When we talk about intel­ligent lighting solu­tions, it’s not just the leading light that excites. It is the entire light management system, which is based on real-time data and has remote access via a gateway. nevalux AG shows you possi­bil­ities that are so outstanding that no munic­i­pality should do without them.

»The munic­i­pality of Eschenbach is breaking new tech­no­logical ground with this street lighting. nevalux AG has been with us since the start of the project. Since then, we have overcome several tech­nical hurdles together.
What partic­u­larly impresses me is the company’s solution-oriented thinking, planning and action.«
Manuel Egli, Managing Director Egli Elektro Eschenbach
With this ighting solution you will see your community in a new light.

Tech­no­log­i­cally top

With a cloud main­te­nance and lighting control platform via gateway, lighting systems can be moni­tored, controlled and controlled in the office and on the road.

Energy-effi­cient and low-maintenance

Energy costs are reduced thanks to intel­ligent control, and the LED lumi­naires impress with high corrosion protection and low maintenance.

Safe on the road

The leading light and the quality of light convey a good feeling of safety. It has never been so relaxed to be on the road at night!

Reduce light emissions

Thanks to the intel­ligent control of street lighting, light pollution can be reduced many times over.

With this concept you will see the light.

Arbi­trarily expandable

The programming of indi­vidual lumi­naires can be assigned to other lumi­naires thanks to an intel­ligent light management system.

Digital system

The intel­ligent light management system via a gateway makes real-time moni­toring and main­te­nance possible.

Variable illu­mi­nance levels

Indi­vidual adjustment options for luminous intensity offer scope for greater effi­ciency and safety.


The solution is tech­no­log­i­cally up to date and can be easily expanded.

So schnell bringen Sie ein Quartier zum Strahlen.

Uncom­pli­cated assembly

The old lumi­naire head can simply be unscrewed and replaced with the LED lumi­naire head. The cande­labra diam­eters are variable.

No cable tangle

Replacing the lumi­naires does not require any rewiring; the wireless networking works by radio.

Effortless service

The screw of the housing cover is easy to open by hand. Service work such as replacing LED modules is a breeze.

Our support

Whenever you have ques­tions, whenever you need support — we are at your side as partners.


Because intel­li­gence is needed on the road

Products in detail

Clever and quick — just like foxes are.

iFux CityStreet3 Connect DM10 3K

All-round enlight­ening: the iFux CityStreet3 Connect 

Even as an indi­vidual lumi­naire, it convinces with its adjustable brightness for the main and orien­tation light as well as with a built-in motion detector. If you connect it to other lumi­naires thanks to inte­grated radio commu­ni­cation, it is simply unique. This way, an intel­ligent network can be set up and you are one step ahead of everyone who is out and about during the dark hours of the day.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Dave Hunziker. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 25 Contact us