Blumer Fenster­werke AG

Energy saving in indus­trial halls

Reducing energy consumption, improving light quality

Blumer windows illu­minate rooms with daylight. However, in their two production halls in Wald­statt, natural light is not enough. When the new building was constructed in 2011, the halls were equipped with fluo­rescent lights. It is well known that the lumi­naires are real power guzzlers and have also been phased out. A new lighting system was needed!
In coop­er­ation with Sonepar St. Gallen, which was in charge of this reno­vation, we recom­mended the nevalux imani connect light band to the window manu­fac­turer. There is no better alter­native to daylight in production halls!

  • CustomerBlumer windows
  • LocationWald­statt AR
  • Appli­cationIndus­trial hall
  • Our serviceConsul­tancy, lighting solution, commissioning
  • Productsnevalux imani connect B1500 4K


shows how: effi­ciency across the board

A lighting reno­vation with challenges:


1st priority: Save energy. The previous lighting was expensive.
2nd priority: Replace the ‘obsolete’ FL lumi­naires with a future-proof, sustainable luminaire.
And: The reno­vation in the seven-metre-high halls must not affect production. The chal­lenges and demands of this project were clear.
After exam­ining several offers, the company opted for the nevalux imani connect light band. And for good reasons: the lumi­naire could be inserted into the existing mounting rails.
It does not dazzle and has a built-in presence and brightness sensor system in conjunction with Blue­tooth networking. This enables unlimited flex­i­bility when forming lighting groups and the daylight is taken into account in the window area.

Achieving our goal together

Am Anfang war ein Kunde.
Er beauf­tragte einen Lich­t­ex­perten von Sonepar St. Gallen mit der Beleuch­tungssanierung in Wald­statt. Der wiederum wendete sich an uns mit der Bitte nach einer geeigneten Lösung. Wir haben die Prior­itäten des Kunden aufgenommen — Energies­paren und altes Leucht­en­system ersetzen — und gemeinsam mit dem unab­hängigen Betrieb­se­lek­triker die Inbe­trieb­nahme übernommen.
Am Schluss war ein zufriedener Kunde!

In the beginning there was a customer.
He commis­sioned a lighting expert from Sonepar St. Gallen to renovate the lighting system in Wald­statt. The lighting expert in turn approached us with the request for a suitable solution. We took on board the customer’s prior­ities – saving energy and replacing the old lighting system – and together with the inde­pendent company elec­trician, we took over the commissioning.
In the end, there was a satisfied customer!

»It’s good to know that thanks to the sensor-based lights, the light only comes on when it’s needed. We don’t have any concrete figures yet, but we expect that the new lighting will result in massive savings on elec­tricity costs. Mission accomplished!« Richard Hinrichs, rich-Control, Wald­statt, inde­pendent company electrician
Put an end to wasting energy

Put an end to wasting energy

Switching from fluo­rescent tubes to LED lights is an important step. But a great deal of energy is saved thanks to presence and brightness sensors.

Swiss made

imani was developed by nevalux AG and is produced in Switzerland. This guar­antees avail­ability and excellent support.

Indi­vid­ually adjustable

How much light is dimmed and when the light switches off when leaving the hall – all of this can be customised to your indi­vidual needs.

Count on experience

We have already imple­mented numerous lighting reno­va­tions. Always indi­vid­ually and success­fully. Ask us about reference objects.

With Swissmade lumi­naires, planning is a home game

DALI and Connect

The imani lumi­naire, developed by us and produced in Switzerland, is available as an intel­ligent Connect version or as a conven­tional DALI luminaire.

Your solution partner

There is a solution for every hall. We create the concept and manage the imple­men­tation so that our joint customer is 100% satisfied.

Looking ahead

We have to think about tomorrow today. That’s why we plan for advanced options such as IoT in our developments.

Highest lumi­naire quality

Func­tion­ality, light quality and service life of the lumi­naires are guar­anteed for both continuous row appli­ca­tions and complete LED solutions.

Fast and no-frills: this is how to refurbish lighting!

Easy instal­lation

The new light modules can be quickly installed without tools. The insert fits most existing continuous row systems.

Main­te­nance? Not necessary

The long oper­ating times of the Imani elim­inate the need to replace the light sources. This reduces oper­ating costs to almost zero.

Commis­sioning made easy

After instal­lation, all that is needed is a few taps. All settings can be made on a smart­phone using an app.

There for you

Do you still have ques­tions after instal­lation? Give us a call, we’ll take time for you!


Because our products save you a lot of energy

Produkt im Detail

THE product for lighting reno­va­tions in indus­trial halls

imani connect B1500 4K

Don’t stand still!

With imani connect, we have designed a lumi­naire that, as things stand today, meets all the require­ments for a modern, intel­ligent and effi­cient lumi­naire appli­cation. But the world keeps turning and with it, devel­op­ments in the lighting sector. We keep pace and draw on all our expe­rience so that we can continue to offer you the best lighting solu­tions in the future.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Matthias Käser. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 26 Contact us