Light is our passion, trend­setting lighting solu­tions our mission. To make the world a little brighter. 

Inspiring people with intel­ligent lighting solu­tions. Solu­tions that offer energy effi­ciency, safety and comfort. That is our mission. We act today for the future, further develop our processes and products and create new inno­va­tions. Sensor tech­nology is just as much a part of our solu­tions as the planning of IoT solutions.
We rely on personal exchange in the rela­tion­ships with our customers. Excel­lence in consulting, planning and execution is a matter of course for us and the basis for successful projects.


shows how: Successful management of intel­ligent lighting and sensor projects.

More nevalux?

You’re welcome. Preferably right away in a personal conver­sation. Tell us about your project, your require­ments and ideas. And together we will find the right solution. Contact us — our team is at your disposal.

Fabian Bolliger

Sales Office

Benno Schöb

Sales Project Manager

Dave Hunziker

Sales Project Manager

Matthias Käser

Sales Specialist Trade, Head of Product Management

Jürg Artho

Sales Manager

Martin Bleisch

Product Management and Support

Marcel Sharma


Richard Ruchti

Head of Administration

Roger Morf

Business Manager

Steffan van der Male

Sales Devel­opment Manager

Kurt Hauser

Senior allrounder

Adrian Sommer

Senior allrounder

Stefan Bachmann

Product management staff

Nina Hüppi

Product management staff

Susi Roth


Claude Widmer

Sales Manager

Ladina Spiess


François Pause

Project Developer

Rebekka Uebersax

Project Manager

Christoph Ruchti

Admin­is­tration & Logistics

Hans-Ruedi Morf

Senior allrounder

Daniel von Burg

Head Specialized Trade