One for all
Away with the FL lights and energy-saving lamps — towards an energy-efficient lighting solution.
The requirements of Switzerland’s largest housing co-operative, the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich ABZ, were clear when it came time to renovate the lighting on its Allmend housing estate in Horgen.
A case for nevalux AG. Because it offers solutions that maximise energy savings. And because it has every step of the project firmly under control, from analysing requirements to conceptual design and coordinating all those involved. In short: clever lighting solutions from a smart source.
- CustomerABZ, General Building Co-operative Zurich
- LocationAllmend housing estate, Horgen
- ApplicationStaircase, ancillary rooms (laundry and drying rooms, boiler rooms, bicycle storage rooms), outdoor spaces
- Our serviceConsultancy, solution, project management, support
ProductsRS PRO CONNECT R10 plus SC
RS PRO 5100 SC with motion detector & Bluetooth
Mesoma outdoor light
iFux City Park Pole Connect

We share our passion with you
We are enthusiastic about the technological advances that are making light even more efficient and intelligent than before.
You have our assurance that we will keep pace with the latest developments.
Firstly, we carry out a needs analysis. We then carry out measurements, draw up concepts, clarify subsidy options and coordinate the refurbishment with all those involved.
We provide you with the best possible lighting solution that promises to maximise energy efficiency.

»Switching from conventional lights to intelligently controlled LED lights pays off in terms of energy. The energy savings of around 80% that we have measured are the best proof of this. What’s more, installation is extremely simple.«Yves Altermatt, Head of Customer Service / Deputy Department Manager Schibli AG
On-site analysis
After an initial phone call, we will visit you on site to gain an impression. This enables us to advise you according to your needs.
Energy efficiency first
The switch to LED is good. Switching to intelligent LED lights with sensors is better and definitely pays off.
Intensive counselling
The most obvious solution is not necessarily the best. Let’s go one step further and get the maximum out of it.
Reliable project management
We are close at hand. You have a nevalux contact person, the one who knows the project inside out.
Good addition
Your expertise is our gain. And vice versa. If we use our experience together, we can make every project shine.
Flexible light intensity
The brightness of all the luminaires can be variably adjusted so that the light in the underground car park meets the wishes of the users.
Intensive support
When it comes to selecting luminaires and specific questions about design, control and technology — we are there for you and are happy to provide information.
Stylish and durable
The design of the lights is completely convincing and fulfils safety and comfort requirements. The outdoor lights are particularly robust.
Quick assembly
All the lights mentioned in the reference are easy to install. Wireless networking is guaranteed for all products.
Diverse selection
We supplement our innovative standard product range with customised lighting.
Long-term support
We are at your side during the commissioning and configuration of the lighting. Once the project is complete, we don’t just sit back and relax.
Various lights, one goal: the best lighting conditions!
After analysing the situation on site, it was clear that we would be using different luminaires both indoors and outdoors in the Allmend housing estate in Horgen. However, the different types of luminaires have one thing in common: they are optimally networked, communicate with each other and are so smart that they only light up when light is actually needed.

Now it’s time to work together.
I am Dave Hunziker. Let’s talk in person.
I look forward to your call.
+41 44 521 81 25 Contact us