ASIG Building devel­opment Tägelmoos Winterthur



In the traffic zones of the Tägelmoos estate, we upgraded the existing archi­tec­tural lighting to the latest control and LED tech­nology. This retrofit achieves energy savings of more than 90%. In addition, the neigh­bourhood function and basic lighting ensure maximum safety and comfort, while the night-time override provides further energy savings.


Because light should put you in a good mood

Products in detail

State-of-the-art lighting solu­tions built into existing enclo­sures. Exactly according to customer require­ments. Intel­ligent and sustainable lighting and control.
That is nevalux.

Now it’s time to work together.

Sono Matthias Käser. Il modo migliore è parlarci di persona. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 26 Contact us