Optimal light and fresh indoor air. This makes learning fun!

Who would want to learn and teach in a classroom where the quality of light and air is barely satis­factory? The pupils and teachers at the Schulhaus Sennweid in Baar certainly don’t. The nevalux idea of combining ideal light and CO2 measurement in one lumi­naire opened up new possi­bil­ities for the munic­i­pality of Baar. Today, the class­rooms are equipped with intel­ligent lumi­naires incl. sensors for constant light control and measurement of CO2 and VOC levels. If there is thick air, a motion detector lens lights up.
Conclusion: Pupil concen­tration has increased, energy costs have decreased.

  • CustomerBaar munic­i­pality
  • LocationSchool Sennweid, Baar
  • Appli­cationCO2 measurement
  • Our serviceConsulting, respon­si­bility project imple­men­tation, IoT solution
  • ProductsLED pendant lumi­naire elani connect P3200
    LED pendant lumi­naire elani connect D1500 Wallwasher
    nevalux Air Quality System VOC-CO2


shows the way: Switch a classroom to full concentration.

The School Sennweid is doing it right. Copying is allowed for once.


The class­rooms were each equipped with 6 LED pendant lumi­naires and two LED wall­washer pendant lumi­naires for optimal illu­mi­nation of the presen­tation wall. The lumi­naires take into account the natural ambient light. The light dims exactly to the brightness that favours learning. Sensor inserts are fitted for air quality measurement. As soon as the motion detector lens turns coloured, the teacher knows that there is a need for fresh air.

About us

Next gener­ation lighting projects for the next generation 

Since the lighting refur­bishment in the class­rooms, it has become clear how great the influence of light and indoor air is on pupils’ attention. The feedback is consis­tently positive. The savings in energy costs are just as clear.
Data trans­mission through Blue­tooth is already part of everyday life. The next level is called IoT. We are excited about the possi­bil­ities that this tech­nology offers us and are consis­tently imple­menting it.

»All require­ments are fulfilled: intel­ligent control systems, top air and light quality, low power consumption and low main­te­nance costs. The timeless design of the lumi­naires is also convincing.« Silvio Speri, Head of Property Maintenance/Sport of the Munic­i­pality of Baar
Create a healthy learning atmos­phere — for the sake of the children and teachers.

Lower energy costs

nevalux lighting and sensor solu­tions are convincing all along the line in terms of cost effi­ciency. You save up to 70% energy.

Climate-friendly solution

For the eco-balance, the highest mark is given. Because if you consume less energy, you not only save money, you also protect the climate.

IoT connection

Sensors and lumi­naires are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), and the energy and air quality values can be called up in the cloud at any time.

State funding

We will be happy to advise you on funding oppor­tu­nities and framework condi­tions and submit the subsidy appli­cation on your behalf.

Take a deep breath. And the plan for the smart classroom is already in place.

IoT connection

Sensors and lumi­naires are connected to the Internet of Things, and the energy and air quality values can be called up in the cloud at any time.

Classic handwork

The auto­matic function can also be controlled via conven­tional wall switches and adapted to the needs of the school class.

Sensor solution included

With this solution, you can concen­trate entirely on the lighting design. You can leave every­thing that has to do with sensor tech­nology to us.

Strong partner

In every project there are hurdles that are better overcome together. Come and see us, we are here for you.

One lumi­naire, many possi­bil­ities. The tech­nology is as complex as the instal­lation is simple. 

Simple wiring

This solution allows you to connect the lumi­naires with through-wiring without laying new cables.

Clever connection

A Doppler module is deposited with existing light scanners. And commu­ni­cation with the lumi­naire control system is already working.

Flexible control

The direct and indirect light compo­nents of the intel­ligent elani Connect pendant lumi­naire can be controlled separately.

Delivery of measurement data

The sensors provide compre­hensive readings on CO2, VOC (volatile organic compounds), humidity and temperature.


Because the future belongs to lighting management

Product in detail

elani Connect P

The air, light and temper­ature expert: elani Connect P 

The lumi­naire alone is clever. It adapts to the daylight, the presence detector triggers light. With an addi­tional sensor, it sounds an alarm when the CO2 level in the classroom exceeds 1000 ppm. A lumi­naire can be so versatile.

Now it’s time to work together.

Ich bin Dave Hunziker. Am besten sprechen wir uns persönlich.

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 25 Contact us