Hirs­landen Clinic Im Park Zurich

Retrofit and customised products

Diag­nosis: Disused lumi­naires. Treatment: Retrofit

The Hirs­landen Clinic in the Park is a 24/7 oper­ation. Patients and staff must be able to rely on perfectly func­tioning light, whether in the treatment rooms, corridors or side rooms.
We have refur­bished most of the lighting in the clinic using the retrofit method. This means that the old lumi­naires in the existing housings were replaced by economical LEDs. The uncon­ven­tional course of the lumi­naires in the entrance area of the clinic presented us with a partic­u­larly tricky task: there were no suitable lumi­naire inserts. Therefore, we developed an indi­vidual product without further ado. Meaning: our team is fit and anything but retro!

  • CustomerHirs­landen AG
  • LocationHirs­landen Clinic Im Park, Zürich
  • Appli­cationDiverse Beleuch­tungen auf Retrofit-Basis saniert
  • Our serviceConsul­tation and planning, indi­vidual solu­tions with specially manu­fac­tured lumi­naires, lead during project imple­men­tation, support after completion of the work.
  • ProductsLumi­naire construction


Doesn’t fit, doesn’t exist.

How we develop not only clever lighting solu­tions but also completely new luminaires.


Until recently, the “old out-new in” method applied to the clinic’s lighting. Economic as well as ecological consid­er­a­tions made retro­fitting a topic, and the clinic found our ears open.
We looked at the rooms that could be considered for lighting refur­bishment and came to the decision that retro­fitting was defi­nitely worth­while in almost all cases.
The ster­il­i­sation room is equipped with LEDs with daylight progression, and modern, energy-saving strip lighting is also in use in ancillary rooms such as changing rooms, sinks and cleaning rooms. We have installed RGBW LEDs in the cardiac catheter labo­ratory. In this labo­ratory, exam­i­na­tions are carried out to detect calci­fi­ca­tions, constric­tions or occlu­sions of the coronary vessels and to treat them if necessary. Thanks to the RGBW lights, contrasts on the screen are partic­u­larly easy to see.
Intu­itive control is via a small touch screen. The entrance area of the clinic was also light refur­bished. The illu­mi­nated Plex­iglas cover was child’s play, but the lumi­naire strip with several bends was an extremely compli­cated operation.
With specially developed lumi­naires, we finally found an ideal solution.

We have a recipe for every lighting problem. 

Everyone can do 08/15. But thinking around corners, finding possi­bil­ities for the almost impos­sible, surprising the customer — this requires specialists with a tinkering gene. Exactly such people work at nevalux. People who, by the way, are always thrilled when one of their inno­v­ative ideas starts to light up.

»Retro­fitting lumi­naires makes ecological as well as economic sense for us. nevalux AG provides suitable solu­tions and no path seems to be too far for them, even when it comes to special solu­tions. I can count on their support even when some­thing doesn’t work as desired.« Thomas Gäumann, Project Manager Real Estate Hirs­landen AG
With little effort to maximum result. Go for Retrofit!

On-site inspection

After a tele­phone exchange, we get a compre­hensive impression on the property. This is the only way we can provide targeted advice.

Save costs

We go easy on your budget and focus on retro­fitting. Wherever possible, intact compo­nents such as existing enclo­sures are recycled.

Act ecolog­i­cally

With minimal inter­ven­tions in buildings, we prevent unnec­essary waste. They help to care for the environment.

State subsidies

Retro­fitting pays off. We will be happy to advise you and submit the subsidy appli­cation for you.

New lumi­naires in old housings. More than a trend.

Fast reno­vation, high quality

Func­tion­ality, lighting quality and service life of the lumi­naires are just as guar­anteed with retrofits as with complete LED solutions.

Envi­ron­men­tally conscious planning

With retrofit, we reduce waste many times over compared to a complete refur­bishment or complete renewal.

Easily networkable

Networked, intel­ligent LED lighting systems are gaining in impor­tance. And retrofit lumi­naires can also be inte­grated into a light management system.

Reliable concept partner

Leave the conception of the solution to us. We are respon­sible for func­tion­ality and imple­men­tation, so that your and our customer promise is kept.

Our coop­er­ation has a hand and a foot. Some­times also a magnetic foot.

Easy instal­lation

We supply the LED lumi­naire inserts for instal­lation in existing lumi­naires including magnetic feet. For trouble-free and time-saving installation.

Clear instruc­tions

When working with us, you always know when, where and how you will be deployed. We avoid any idle time and zero time.

Long-term support

We are at your side during the commis­sioning and config­u­ration of the lighting. Once a project is completed, we don’t just sit back and relax.

Main­te­nance free solutions

The times of high-main­te­nance FL tubes are over. With our retrofit solu­tions, there are no addi­tional main­te­nance costs.


Because nothing upsets our luminaires

Product in detail

You will find out which new product fits into the old socket after a detailed analysis on site. Here is an overview of our offer


Our advice is the beginning, our support never ends.

We give our best from the first conver­sation up to and including support. And we set high stan­dards. That’s why we only offer our customers solu­tions that we ourselves are fully convinced of. We see indi­vidual customer require­ments as a chal­lenge and — as in the case of the Hirs­landen Klinik Im Park — also develop customised solu­tions. The main thing is that it fits!

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Jürg Artho. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 22 Contact us