A success story all the way. Sensor with high-frequency technology.

Main­taining buses that transport hundreds of people every day requires full concen­tration and the best lighting condi­tions. Experts are respon­sible for the former. When it comes to light, we at nevalux come into play.
We supplied 84 high-frequency detectors for the 35-metre long lanes in the service wing of the VBZ-Busgarage and accom­panied the project from instal­lation to commis­sioning. With success: The high-frequency motion sensors with a range of 20 metres detect even the smallest move­ments and make an important contri­bution to smooth service work.

  • CustomerVBZ Zürich
  • LocationVBZ-Hall Hardau
  • Appli­cationPresence detector for corridors
  • Our serviceConsulting, sensor planning, support during commis­sioning and monitoring
  • ProductsSteinel DUAL HF KNX V3
    Steinel HALLWAY


shows the way: Presence detection at the highest level

To ensure there is light where there is movement. The VBZ solution in detail:


We looked at the situ­ation on site together with melcom AG. The size of the hall made it clear that a solution with the Presence Control PRO Dual HF high-frequency motion sensors from Steinel met all the require­ments. With these HF presence detectors, motion detection is guar­anteed at 20 metres, which is ideal for long corridors, aisles and service lanes. nevalux accom­panied the project through to the end by providing assis­tance with instal­lation, adjustment and commissioning.

About us

We offer the best lighting solu­tions. The service includes competent advice and support. 

Three points that speak for the use of HF presence detectors: 1. Light when and where it is needed, 2. A pleasant working envi­ronment for workshop staff and 3. Assis­tance to achieve the objective of 2000-watt society. Outstanding products like the HF sensors from Steinel contribute a lot to the success of a lighting project. Our expertise and the corre­sponding support guar­antee success.

»nevalux offers the full service: They explained the details of the detector to us, laid out the spec­i­fi­ca­tions with the building automation engineer and provided imme­diate support in the event of a fault« Michael Tambini, Projekct Manager melcom AG
The possi­bil­ities offered by HF sensors: Reach further than you think. 

Seamless detection

The sensor monitors corridors and hallways up to 20 m long and 3 m wide. And 100% seamless.

Quick response

The HF sensor reacts to the smallest move­ments and triggers a partic­u­larly fast light switching.

Extremely farsighted

The HF sensor detects move­ments in its detection range according to the Doppler radar prin­ciple and reacts to the smallest movements.

Little power

High-frequency presence detectors create maximum energy effi­ciency. They make an important contri­bution to achieving the objective of 2000-watt society.

Light can be planned. With the HF sensors, even down to the last detail.

Optimal detection

Whether you walk towards the sensor or cut it sideways is irrel­evant. The detection quality and range is always equally good.

Barrier-free light

Glass, wooden and light­weight walls are no mission impos­sible for the HF sensors. They also capture the move­ments behind them.

Cold and heat resistant

The HF tech­nology works in a temper­ature range of ‑30 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees Celsius without impairing the function.


We have the right products for a wide range of building management system needs: KNX, DALI, Blue­tooth, COM1, COM2, etc.

Trend-seTtting tech­nology that is really fun. 

rend-setting tech­nology that is really fun.

The HF sensor can be installed behind suspended ceilings. The capture works reliably even then.

Temper­ature resistant

The HF tech­nology works in a temper­ature range of ‑30 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees Celsius without impairing the function.

Versatile KNX functions

Twilight switch, basic light function, brightness value, HVAC output, constant light control, light output 4x, presence output, day/night function.

Prompt support

Benefit from our expertise whenever you need it. We advise by tele­phone or directly on location.


Because the future belongs to HF sensors

Product in detail

High-frequency sensors from Steinel — a superior technology.

Dual HF Hallway

It’s all a question of attitude: the DUAL HF KNX V3 HF sensor from Steinel 

In terms of tech­nology, it is unbeatable. The sensor detects move­ments and reports them back according to the Doppler radar prin­ciple. The ranges are also in a class of their own and can be indi­vid­ually adjusted.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Matthias Käser. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 26 Contact us