KUSPO Gries Volketswil

Future-oriented lighting

Maximum energy consumption? Applies only to athletes.

Since the lighting reno­vation, the lumi­naires in the triple hall at the Gries Culture and Sports Centre in Volketswil only need a minimum of energy. No comparison to before. The 324 FL tubes literally devoured the elec­tricity. That cost a lot of money. Not to mention the main­te­nance costs. The tubes on the 10-metre-high ceiling had to be replaced every six years on average. A lot of elec­trical waste was accu­mu­lating. Since the tubes were replaced with LED inserts, the energy and main­te­nance costs have been demon­strably reduced. The chal­lenge of inte­grating the lighting control into the existing event tech­nology was mastered. And the lighting quality? As if made for winners.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality Volketswil
  • LocationCulture and sports centre Gries, Volketswil
  • Appli­cationHall lighting
  • Our serviceConsul­tation and planning, adjustment and para­me­ter­i­sation of the new lighting, respon­si­bility for project implementation
  • ProductsLED Insert B1500 4K DALI 40°


shows how: Taking visionary paths with a lighting refurbishment

Think about the future today and act early:


The 20-year-old lighting in the triple gymnasium was in urgent need of replacement. Ballast failure was almost a daily occur­rence. Therefore, LED inserts had to be provided for the FL tubes with the elec­tronic ballasts. The number of light sources was thus reduced by a third.
The LED lumi­naire inserts could be quickly and easily inserted into the existing recessed housings, which are recessed into the ceiling, with a magnetic fastening. This meant that the entire housing did not have to be replaced, which had a positive effect on the cost side. The existing ball protection could also be taken over.
The light is dimmed via the DALI control system depending on the daylight, and the motion sensors auto­mat­i­cally switch off the light after sports or club activ­ities. Because the triple halls are not only used for sporting events but also for various other events, the control of the lumi­naires was linked to the complex event tech­nology. In addition to on-site oper­ation, the lighting can also be controlled from the mobile control panel. At the same time, the light switches of the three halls are locked so that the lights do not go out acci­den­tally during events.

Our services

So that every occasion appears in the best light. 

Admit­tedly, the planning and imple­men­tation was not a walk in the park.
A cultural and sports hall needs light for umpteen different situ­a­tions. The small table tennis ball must be just as visible as the markings of a volleyball or handball court. In addition, the hall is used for events, which in turn require special tech­nology. Linking the lighting with the event tech­nology was a special chal­lenge. We met it, found solu­tions and imple­mented them successfully.

»With this lighting refur­bishment, we have taken a visionary path in terms of lighting and energy tech­nology. The complex inte­gration of the event tech­nology was a real chal­lenge, but nevalux AG took care of every detail with great commitment until the end.« René Geiger, Owner’s repre­sen­tative and head of tech­nical property management, Volketswil
Sporting achieve­ments meet excellent energy efficiency.

The next lumi­naire generation

Think about the future now, because all FL tubes will be banned from 1.9.2023. Intel­ligent LED alter­na­tives are needed now.

Good for the environment

The energy savings are striking compared to FL tubes. The main­te­nance effort is zero.

Effi­cient and durable

The LED inserts are extremely durable (72,000 hours). The effi­ciency of over 160 lm/W is also a winning argument.

Submission of funding applications

We know all about funding oppor­tu­nities and the general condi­tions. Leave your subsidy appli­cation to us.

We approach chal­lenges as partners

At your side

No matter how complex the lighting control require­ments are — you are in good hands with us.

Flexible lighting control

DALI-based sensors and lumi­naires can be inte­grated into any sensor-controlled lighting solution.

Tailored to the sport

Depending on the type of sport, hall lines must be partic­u­larly clearly visible. Corre­sponding light scenes can be programmed and called up.

Multi­func­tional halls

We support you in the lighting design of gymna­siums, which are also used for stage events with appro­priate control.

FL tube out, LED insert in.

Easy assembly

Thanks to a magnetic fastening, the LED lumi­naire inserts can be mounted easily and, above all, quickly.

Rapid instal­lation

With the 230 V connection power, which is tapped with three or five wires depending on the dimming requirement, you install quickly and successfully.

Less scrap metal

Wherever possible, we use existing lumi­naire housings. In gymna­siums, the ball protection can also be taken over.

We care

The para­me­ter­i­sation of the lighting system is carried out by our specialists at the end of the instal­lation work.


Because lighting reno­va­tions have never been easier.

Products in detail

The champion for gymna­siums and indus­trial halls.

LED Insert B1500 4K DALI 40°

In action for the envi­ronment: the LED lumi­naire insert, narrow beam 40°. 

Old T5 or T8 fluo­rescent tubes out, linear LED inserts in. So simple, because the LED lumi­naire insert fits into a wide variety of lumi­naire designs. With this minimal instal­lation effort, you achieve maximum energy savings.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us