Light — always one step ahead

The path lighting at the Park­hotel Wallberg was certainly chic in the 70s. Today, lumi­naires from the 1970s with sodium vapour lamps no longer meet ecological or economic stan­dards. When insu­lation faults were discovered during an elec­trical instal­lation inspection, it was clear: The lumi­naires — as well as the control system — urgently needed to be replaced. Today, intel­ligent lights show guests the way home. As soon as someone leaves the hotel, the black-controlled lumi­naire comes on and the adjacent light groups light up in a preset dimmed mode. Through this neigh­bouring function, the light rushes ahead of the guests, thus facil­i­tating orien­tation all the way to the car park and the bus stop and conveying a good feeling.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality of Volketswil
  • LocationPark­hotel Wallberg, Volketswil
  • Appli­cationPavement and car park lighting
  • Our serviceConsul­tation, adjustment and para­me­ter­i­sation of the new lighting, Ensuring inter­faces with other craftsmen, respon­si­bility for project implementation
  • ProductsiFux City Park Pole Connect 53W 3K


shows the way: Indi­vidual control for optimal light intensity and perfect timing

Replace worn-out lumi­naires and dilap­i­dated elec­trical instal­la­tions. Here’s how it works:


The iFux City Park Pole Connect was used for the outdoor instal­lation of the Park­hotel Wallberg.
Thanks to inte­grated radio commu­ni­cation, an intel­ligent network with several lumi­naires can be easily set up. The swarm function was a decisive factor. In addition, the solution is effi­cient, motion- and time-controlled. Each lumi­naire can be indi­vid­ually adjusted. This means that dark paths and sections of stairs can be illu­mi­nated accordingly.

About us

We let lumi­naires commu­nicate with each other. But let’s talk first.

The exchange with you is important to us: We want to get to know you and under­stand the project and the spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Lighting solu­tions don’t lie in a drawer for us like paper clips. They are indi­vid­ually planned and tailored to your needs. As with Park­hotel Wallberg, where the swarm func­tion­ality switches on light exactly where it’s needed. This provides safety, saves energy at the same time and helps to avoid unnec­essary light pollution.

»With the lighting solution from nevalux, we got the optimum — tech­ni­cally, ecolog­i­cally and visually. Thanks to the flexible control of the lumi­naires, we can meet all requirements.« René Geiger, Building Owner Repre­sen­tative and Head of Tech­nical Property Management, Volketswil Municipality
nevalux walkway lighting solu­tions are a win-win for everyone: for you, the users and the residents. 

Intel­ligent network

Thanks to inte­grated radio commu­ni­cation, an intel­ligent network with several lumi­naires can be set up very easily.

Save costs

New supply lines are not necessary, the networking works wire­lessly. The low power consumption of the LED lumi­naires saves money.

This makes the envi­ronment happy

Light only where it is really needed. And only as brightly and as long as actually necessary. The intel­ligent network makes it possible.

Protected from vandalism

The LED in the iFux City Park Pole Connect is opti­mally protected. The plastic cover ensures that vandals have no chance.

Compli­cated was yesterday. We make planning as easy as possible for you. 

Intel­ligent networking

Thanks to inte­grated radio commu­ni­cation, an intel­ligent network with several lumi­naires can be set up very easily.

Clear wiring

A complex wiring diagram is not necessary. Data wires do not need to be retightened. Because the whole thing is operated via a radio network.

Indi­vidual dimming

There must be more light available on the stairs than on a clear path. This can also be adjusted without any problems.

Conve­nient commissioning

The lumi­naires can be easily para­me­terised and put into oper­ation. This does not require complex system administration.

Thanks to well thought-out lighting solu­tions: This makes instal­lation a breeze.

Problem-free exchange

The lumi­naires can be replaced quickly and safely — and all without rewiring.

Intel­ligent networking

Thanks to inte­grated radio commu­ni­cation, an intel­ligent network with several lumi­naires can be set up very easily.

Flexible cande­labra

The diameter of the cande­labra allows for universal use.
However, old cande­labras can also be used.

Conve­nient commissioning

The lumi­naires can be easily para­me­terised and put into oper­ation. This does not require complex system administration.


Where lumi­naires commu­nicate with each other

Product in detail

Swarm func­tion­ality that makes us go into raptures.
With the City Park Pole Connect.

Beau­tiful and intel­ligent: The iFux 53W 3K City Park Pole Connect 

Beau­tiful and intel­ligent: The iFux 53W 3K City Park Pole Connect

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us