Rütihof Zurich-Höngg

How energy saving works today

Effi­ciency at every level

In many stair­wells, light burns in the evening even though it is not needed. With the R series, the sensor-controlled lighting solution for stair­wells and ancillary rooms, these times are defi­nitely over. Groups of lumi­naires ensure that users do not enter unlit areas and can move safely in the stairwell. The light literally runs ahead step by step and switches off again automatically.
Which is highly energy effi­cient. Extensive measure­ments have brought energy savings of 95% to light.

  • CustomerASIG Housing Coop­er­ative Zurich
  • LocationBuilding devel­opment Rütihof Zurich-Höngg
  • Appli­cationStair­cases
  • Our serviceConsul­tation, lighting solution, coor­di­nation and lighting refurbishment
  • ProductsRS PRO R10 plus SC


shows how: Lighting solu­tions that save energy

Swarm intel­li­gence in the stairwell. It makes you go into raptures.


Light switch on, energy meter up. The lighting in the stair­wells of the 17 ASIG apartment buildings with 131 units was getting on in years. A modern, energy-effi­cient and intel­ligent lighting solution was needed.
With the digital LED sensor lights from STEINEL, we created the optimum.
Thanks to swarm intel­li­gence, the light accom­panies the resi­dents through the stairwell (see video) and is the driver for the massive energy savings. The warm white light of the R series creates a pleasant atmos­phere. This is ensured by the different lighting modes: basic and main light, which can be dimmed from 1 — 100%, and an addi­tional backlight.
The fact that our lighting solution leads to enormous energy savings is proven by compre­hensive measure­ments carried out by the Swiss Lighting Society SLG. The measure­ments were carried out in one of the buildings. The long measurement periods — in the old and new condition — show that ASIG saves 95% energy in the Rütihof estate.

Climate protection starts now

Intel­ligent lighting solu­tions inspire us completely. Because they are perfect. Perfect for users, for oper­ators and above all for the envi­ronment. It is partic­u­larly important to take care of the envi­ronment, compro­mises are not an option.
That’s why we show our customers how to achieve state-of-the-art lighting in their stairwells.

»Of the 95% energy savings, 53% are due to lighting control and 42% to the effi­cient LED lumi­naires. If the measurement is extrap­o­lated to all 17 ASIG buildings in Rütihof, 26.7 MWh can be saved per year.« Stefan Gasser, Managing Director eLight GmbH, respon­sible for the measurement Rütihof
Energy effi­ciency pays clearly.

Reduce costs

95% energy savings! An argument that must convince every building owner.

Investment for tomorrow

Networking via Blue­tooth is part of the present, IOT connec­tivity is a possi­bility of the future.

Elegant and durable

The design of the RS PRO Connect R20 is convincing, the LED light is extremely durable (65,000 h according to LM80)

Use support measures

We accompany the entire project and also take care of the funding appli­cation for you.

Here you will see a light at every planning step.

Intel­ligent through and through

Blue­tooth networking and full flex­i­bility in the grouping of lumi­naires can be tailored to the needs of the building owner.

Fits for new and old

The lighting solu­tions with the digital sensor lumi­naire system are suitable for both new buildings and refurbishments.

Flexible on all sides

Reliable detection and a flexibly adjustable range ensure safety in the stairwell.

Safety first

An emer­gency lighting variant is available for planning escape and rescue routes.

The best result in just a few steps.

Use existing cabling

No new wiring is needed. Setting and commis­sioning with Blue­tooth also works wire­lessly via the corre­sponding app.

Quick assembly

The round RS PRO Connect is available in three sizes, the square lumi­naire in two. All shapes and sizes fit into the same mounting base.

Prepared for power failure

The emer­gency light module is optional, but can easily be retro­fitted. The emer­gency light and status LEDs are installed in all luminaires.

At your side

With us, you are on the road with a reliable partner. If you have any ques­tions or uncer­tainties, we are there for you.


Because smart people use intel­ligent light

Products in detail

To create a great atmos­phere in the stairwell:
RS PRO Connect

RS PRO Connect

One light, four func­tions: The RS PRO Connect R series from STEINEL

Basic light, back­light, dimmable main light and emer­gency light. This sensor lumi­naire system simply offers every­thing. Added to this is the easy instal­lation and wireless networking. The intel­ligent lumi­naires are available in round and square versions.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Matthias Käser. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 26 Contact us