School building Chapf, Gossau ZH

Reaching the goal through good cooperation

Total refur­bishment in one fell swoop

It all started with the sample rooms. Two class­rooms in the Chapf school building in the munic­i­pality of Gossau ZH were refur­bished in terms of lighting tech­nology and given to the teachers and pupils to test. The intel­ligent lumi­naires passed the test in terms of both effi­ciency and lighting quality. This meant that nothing stood in the way of a complete refur­bishment of the lighting. Thanks to detailed planning, which took into account the needs of the client and the condi­tions on site, the refur­bishment of two school buildings and a gymnasium was carried out and completed during the summer holidays. Teachers, pupils and building services are delighted — as are the taxpayers, as the lights consume signif­i­cantly less electricity.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality of Gossau ZH
  • LocationGossau ZH
  • Appli­cationClass­rooms, group rooms, gymnasium, indoor circu­lation areas
  • Our serviceConsul­tancy, solution, planning, project implementation
  • Productsnevalux elani connect P2400 4K und P3200 4K
    nevalux LED Insert B1500 4K DALI 60°
    STEINEL RS PRO R10/R20/R30 Basic SC NW
    STEINEL RS PRO 5100 SC Verso


shows how: Completely refur­bishing a school complex

The best solution for every application:


The job was extensive: class­rooms, group rooms, gymnasium, indoor circu­lation areas. The lighting in the two school buildings of the Chapf school complex was in great need of refurbishment.
After the positive expe­rience with the sample rooms and a compre­hensive on-site analysis, we looked for the optimum solution for each appli­cation. But here, too, we had to vary. STEINEL lumi­naires provide light in the stair­wells and passageways in the interior, which represent a quantum leap over the old lumi­naires thanks to presence detection, inclusion of daylight and short run-on times.
In some class­rooms, we opted for the nevalux elani pendant lumi­naire, which also provides clever light. In other class­rooms, the old lumi­naires were installed in the ceiling. Instead of a complete replacement, we simply replaced the old FL lumi­naires with the intel­ligent nevalux LED inserts. We applied the same prin­ciple in the gymnasium. The housing and ball protection could be reused, saving costs and grey energy.

Involving everyone involved: how it works!

The teachers had several months to test the new lighting in the sample rooms. Based on their feedback, adjust­ments could be made before entering the concrete planning phase.
During the reno­vation period, clearly defined contact persons on the part of the client were extremely helpful and the good coop­er­ation with the elec­trical installer was a guar­antee for successful imple­men­tation. In a nutshell: A lighting refur­bishment on this scale is preceded by intensive discus­sions, the results of which are incor­po­rated into the planning and make successful imple­men­tation possible!

»We only had five weeks to complete the lighting refur­bishment of the Chapf school building. In order for us as an elec­trical instal­lation company to realise a project of this scope in such a short time, we need detailed planning and good commu­ni­cation. Both are guar­anteed when working with nevalux AG.« Matthias Bähler, Managing Director and owner of Elektro Bähler, Ottikon
Your spec­i­fi­ca­tions — our challenge

Joint planning process

We clarify the options in a discussion and on site and show you which lighting solution fully meets your needs.

Binding partner

You always have the same contact person from our side. This makes the real­i­sation of the project much easier.

Really intel­ligent

With our solu­tions, the lumi­naires adapt to daylight, recognise movement and close at the right time.

Clever savings

A lighting refur­bishment with intel­ligent lighting solu­tions also has economic benefits. You save up to 70% on energy costs.

Our sample rooms are a steep pass for you.

Successful coop­er­ation

We involve you right from the start so that we all don’t have to go the extra mile in communication.

Simply beau­tiful

You plan for the eye. We use lumi­naires that not only fulfil the require­ments for perfect lighting condi­tions but also the desire for a timeless design.

Intu­itive operation

All func­tions can also be controlled via conven­tional wall switches and adapted to the needs of the classroom.

Flexible grouping

Fixed lighting groups are a thing of the past. If a classroom is used for a different purpose, the lighting can be easily adapted.

Trav­elling together for satisfied customers 

Successful together

We rely on trans­parent commu­ni­cation and trust. Because this is the only way to make the project a success.

Simple instal­lation

The lights are clever and not at all compli­cated. You’ll be amazed at how easy they are to install.

Clever control

A coupler module is added to existing light switches. The new lighting control func­tions can then be operated.

Completely main­te­nance-free

Once in oper­ation, it works! Our lights are completely maintenance-free.


Because we think about the next generations

Products in detail

Lighting quality and energy saving perfectly combined:

elani P1500 4K LED Insert B1200 4K ON-OFF 110° RS PRO DL 150 SC mit Bewe­gungsmelder & Bluetooth

Only the best is good enough

There is no such thing as the one lumi­naire that can be used every­where. But there is a variety of products from which we use the best product for the application.
In addition to the tried and tested STEINEL products, we rely on our intel­ligent nevalux lights, which leave nothing to be desired: Light measurement, motion sensors, constant light control and a sleek, modern design.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us