Total refurbishment in one fell swoop
It all started with the sample rooms. Two classrooms in the Chapf school building in the municipality of Gossau ZH were refurbished in terms of lighting technology and given to the teachers and pupils to test. The intelligent luminaires passed the test in terms of both efficiency and lighting quality. This meant that nothing stood in the way of a complete refurbishment of the lighting. Thanks to detailed planning, which took into account the needs of the client and the conditions on site, the refurbishment of two school buildings and a gymnasium was carried out and completed during the summer holidays. Teachers, pupils and building services are delighted — as are the taxpayers, as the lights consume significantly less electricity.
- CustomerMunicipality of Gossau ZH
- LocationGossau ZH
- ApplicationClassrooms, group rooms, gymnasium, indoor circulation areas
- Our serviceConsultancy, solution, planning, project implementation
Productsnevalux elani connect P2400 4K und P3200 4K
nevalux LED Insert B1500 4K DALI 60°

Involving everyone involved: how it works!
The teachers had several months to test the new lighting in the sample rooms. Based on their feedback, adjustments could be made before entering the concrete planning phase.
During the renovation period, clearly defined contact persons on the part of the client were extremely helpful and the good cooperation with the electrical installer was a guarantee for successful implementation. In a nutshell: A lighting refurbishment on this scale is preceded by intensive discussions, the results of which are incorporated into the planning and make successful implementation possible!

»We only had five weeks to complete the lighting refurbishment of the Chapf school building. In order for us as an electrical installation company to realise a project of this scope in such a short time, we need detailed planning and good communication. Both are guaranteed when working with nevalux AG.«Matthias Bähler, Managing Director and owner of Elektro Bähler, Ottikon
Joint planning process
We clarify the options in a discussion and on site and show you which lighting solution fully meets your needs.
Binding partner
You always have the same contact person from our side. This makes the realisation of the project much easier.
Really intelligent
With our solutions, the luminaires adapt to daylight, recognise movement and close at the right time.
Clever savings
A lighting refurbishment with intelligent lighting solutions also has economic benefits. You save up to 70% on energy costs.
Successful cooperation
We involve you right from the start so that we all don’t have to go the extra mile in communication.
Simply beautiful
You plan for the eye. We use luminaires that not only fulfil the requirements for perfect lighting conditions but also the desire for a timeless design.
Intuitive operation
All functions can also be controlled via conventional wall switches and adapted to the needs of the classroom.
Flexible grouping
Fixed lighting groups are a thing of the past. If a classroom is used for a different purpose, the lighting can be easily adapted.
Successful together
We rely on transparent communication and trust. Because this is the only way to make the project a success.
Simple installation
The lights are clever and not at all complicated. You’ll be amazed at how easy they are to install.
Clever control
A coupler module is added to existing light switches. The new lighting control functions can then be operated.
Completely maintenance-free
Once in operation, it works! Our lights are completely maintenance-free.
Only the best is good enough
There is no such thing as the one luminaire that can be used everywhere. But there is a variety of products from which we use the best product for the application.
In addition to the tried and tested STEINEL products, we rely on our intelligent nevalux lights, which leave nothing to be desired: Light measurement, motion sensors, constant light control and a sleek, modern design.

Now it’s time to work together.
I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person.
I look forward to your call.
+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us