The 1x1 of a lighting solution in the classroom

There is hardly any place that places such high demands on lighting as a classroom. Reading, writing, group assign­ments, hand­i­crafts, screen work — the work­places of students and teachers need perfect light to enable concen­trated work. The school in Unter­siggenthal knows this. It also knows that a leap into new lighting tech­nology is necessary. The T8 fluo­rescent tubes often used in class­rooms will no longer be permitted from September 1, 2023, according to the EU Ecodesign Regu­lation. So an intel­ligent, energy-saving and future-oriented lighting solution was needed for the reno­vation of two school buildings. We presented a solution that is so durable that it will easily outlast several generations.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality Untersiggenthal
  • LocationSchool A, Untersiggenthal
  • Appli­cationClassroom
  • Our serviceConsulting, solution, planning, project implementation
  • ProductsLED-Pendant lamp Iisha P1800 4K
    LED-Pendant lamp Iisha C1800 4K


shows how: Highest marks for the light in the school building

Bye-bye FL tubes, hello LED light. This is how it works:


Those who renovate think ahead. This was also the case at Unter­siggenthal school. A total of four school buildings were on the municipality’s reno­vation list, starting with the oldest building, constructed in 1911. In addition to top lighting condi­tions, the factors of energy saving, consid­er­ation of daylight and constant light control were important.
In the class­rooms, the LED pendant lumi­naires fulfil all these condi­tions. In the traffic zones, instead of FL lights, wire­lessly networkable sensor lights from STEINEL’s R series show the way. No extra lesson is needed for the light control, it is simple and suitable for everyday use: one button illu­mi­nates the entire classroom, another is respon­sible for the presen­tation mode, both can be dimmed exactly to the brightness that perfectly supports learning and teaching.

On the way to a new age of light. You will arrive safely with us. 

Around 966,000 children and young people attend compulsory school in Switzerland. And by no means all of them are taught in class­rooms that are as well lit as those in Untersiggenthal.
We want to change that. Not only because the FL tubes will soon be obsolete for legal reasons, but because only the best light is good enough in classrooms.

»We teachers agree: the quality of light in the class­rooms has been excellent since the lighting reno­vation. Overall, the light is compa­rable to daylight — brighter and clearer — and has a positive influence on our well-being. Personally, I also like the design of the luminaires.« Ursula Rey, Head­mistress, Middle School Untersiggenthal
It’s so easy to create ideal condi­tions for bright minds.

Strengthen education

Light makes a decisive contri­bution to fatigue-free work. Give it to the pupils and the teachers!

Plan early

The fluo­rescent tube will soon be obsolete. We will be happy to create an indi­vidual, ecological lighting solution for you.

Clever savings

Switching from FL tubes to an intel­ligent lighting solution also has economic advan­tages. You save up to 70% on energy costs.

Government subsidies

We know the funding oppor­tu­nities and the corre­sponding framework condi­tions and submit the subsidy appli­ca­tions for you.

With our classroom solu­tions, your homework is already done. 

Intu­itive operation

All func­tions can also be controlled via conven­tional wall switches and adapted to the needs of the school class.

Flexible grouping

Rigid lighting groups are a thing of the past. If a classroom is used differ­ently, the lighting can be easily adapted.

Intel­ligent solution

The arti­ficial light takes into account the natural inci­dence of light. The setpoint of at least 500 lux is main­tained in each lesson.

Simple and appealing

You plan for the eye. We use lumi­naires that not only meet the require­ments for perfect lighting condi­tions but also fulfil the desire for a timeless design.

Our lighting solu­tions are a joy to use. And that already during installation.

Simple wiring

This solution allows you to connect the lumi­naires with through-wiring without laying new cables.

Quick instal­lation

Motion detection and control are inte­grated in the lumi­naires. This reduces the instal­lation effort considerably.

Clever connection

For existing light switches, a coupler module is stored. And the new light control func­tions can already be operated.

On the road together

It’s like school: certain tasks are easier to solve together. We are there for you and lead every lighting project to success together.


Because we think about tomorrow today.

Products in detail

Class­rooms in a new light: with our LED pendant luminaires

Overview pendant lamps

The best in class: our LED pendant luminaires! 

She gets top marks in every subject. Because none can be used so flexibly in schools. The high-quality pendant lumi­naire is available in two lengths, the light band can be seam­lessly extended thanks to Link tech­nology and is DALI dimmable. Top marks are also awarded for the extremely pleasant quality of light.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us