School Othmarsingen

Light and sensor tech­nology in harmony

Intel­ligent light sets a precedent

The question was not whether the lighting needed to be refur­bished. Rising elec­tricity costs and the discon­tinued FL lumi­naire model were answer enough. Rather, the question for the munic­i­pality of Othmarsingen was “how”.
The answer came from nevalux AG. First, class­rooms were equipped with intel­ligent lights, including a sensor that measures CO2 and VOC values, as well as the gymnasium. The second stage of the programme involved refur­bishing the lighting in ancillary rooms and other class­rooms. Finally, the multi-purpose hall was brought up to the latest lighting standards.
And soon we will be focussing on the little ones at Othmarsingen school and reno­vating the kindergarten!

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality of Othmarsingen
  • LocationOthmarsingen school complex
  • Appli­cationClass­rooms, side rooms, gymnasium and multi-purpose hall
  • Our serviceConsul­tancy, solution, planning, project imple­men­tation, subsidy application
  • Productsnevalux LED Insert BT1500 HO 4K DALI 40°
    elani connect P2400 4K
    zwena connect P600/ P900


Lighting up rooms indi­vid­ually and intelligently

Old down, new up. It’s as simple as that:


A central point in the class­rooms and ancillary rooms of the Othmarsingen school is the use of daylight. This need is met by cate­gorising lighting groups. For example, lumi­naires near windows are grouped together in separate lighting groups so that they are only switched on or acti­vated when there is insuf­fi­cient daylight.
In the gymnasium and multi-purpose hall, the light is dimmed with a DALI control system depending on the daylight and, thanks to the motion sensor, it switches off auto­mat­i­cally after sporting activ­ities or cultural events. A special feature in the multi-purpose hall: the lighting is controlled from the stage using a control board, and the previous range of func­tions has been extended.
The FL lumi­naires in the halls were replaced with nevalux LED inserts. Thanks to magnetic fastening, the light inserts could be inserted into the existing instal­lation housings. The existing ball protection could also be reused.

The best solution for every application

Standard solu­tions that you can pull out of a drawer are not our thing. In addition to the customer’s need to save elec­tricity and therefore money, we take far more factors into account in our planning. What are the users’ needs? What will reduce the workload for tech­nical services/building main­te­nance? How can daylight be opti­mally utilised? What is available that can still be used, such as built-in housings?
We collect ques­tions, evaluate the situ­ation on site, plan and implement the best possible solution.

»The new lighting brings noticeable relief to the tech­nical service. We used to have to erect scaf­folding and replace the lights during the holiday periods, but now the lights are completely maintenance-free.« Daniel Gygax, Head of Tech­nical Services, Munic­i­pality of Othmarsingen
The next gener­ation will thank you!

Step by step

Tackle your first project with us. This will allow you to get to know us and our way of working and create a good basis for further projects.

Focus on the future

With sensor-controlled lighting solu­tions from nevalux, you are making an ecological statement. This is good for the envi­ronment and, above all, for future generations.

Clever savings

Switching from FL tubes to an intel­ligent lighting solution also has economic benefits. You save up to 70% on energy costs.

State subsidies

We deal with the funding oppor­tu­nities and corre­sponding framework condi­tions on a daily basis. We would be happy to submit your subsidy application.

We won’t leave you in the dark 

Intu­itive operation

All func­tions can be controlled via conven­tional wall switches and adapted to the needs of the classroom and halls.

Flexible grouping

Rigid lighting groups are a thing of the past. If a room is used differ­ently, the lighting can be easily adapted without the need for costly adjust­ments to the existing wiring.

Intel­ligent solution

The inte­grated light measurement takes the natural light as a reference and adds arti­ficial light if necessary. This ensures that the required light setpoint values are always guaranteed.

Planning for the eye

We use lumi­naires that not only fulfil the require­ments for perfect lighting condi­tions but also the desire for a timeless design.

The tasks are so simple — they are easy to solve 

Trav­elling together

We tackle the tasks together and lead every lighting project to success together.

Wireless genius

The lights can be connected with through-wiring. There is no need to lay new cables.

Inte­grated intelligence

Motion detection and control are inte­grated into the lumi­naires. This reduces the instal­lation effort enormously.

Clever control

A coupler module is added to existing light switches. The new lighting control func­tions can then be operated.


Because lighting refur­bish­ments don’t have to be anything but complicated.

nevalux quality in a double pack

All the products used in Othmarsingen are made by nevalux! The LED inserts can be easily installed in existing profiles of older lumi­naires of different designs thanks to their compa­rable space require­ments and magnetic attachment.
The elani connect pendant light not only shines with light measurement, motion sensors, constant light control and a simple, modern design. The CO2 measurement inte­grated into the lumi­naires with simple display of the air quality is also impressive.

Now it’s time to work together.

Ich bin Fabian Bolliger. Am besten sprechen wir uns persönlich.

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 20 Contact us