The project is our stage. The satisfied customer our applause.

We were able to pull out all the stops for the excep­tional lighting refur­bishment of the Baar community hall. From the first meeting to the completion, we accom­panied the city of Baar in every phase of the project and coor­di­nated the craftsmen involved.
The city’s spec­i­fi­ca­tions were clear: perfect illu­mi­nation, energy-effi­cient and user-friendly it should be. And all this without inter­fering with the archi­tecture of the historic hall. The lighting solution required a lot of creativity. Finally, we presented a concept with a product developed espe­cially for the hall. The overall impression of the hall was retained, but the energy effi­ciency and lighting quality were massively increased.

  • CustomerMunic­i­pality of Baar ZG
  • LocationCommunity hall Baar
  • Appli­cationSpecial solution for lighting refurbishment
  • ProductsConsulting, solution design, imple­men­tation respon­si­bility, craftsman coor­di­nation, customer training


shows the way: If you have the spot, you don’t have to worry about the light.

Special chal­lenges look for special solu­tions. We find them.


It was a special chal­lenge to convert the rooms to the latest lumi­naire tech­nology without any visible change. In total, we have installed almost 500 new LED lumi­naires. Another new feature is digital lighting control, which regu­lates the light with all the compo­nents involved in a room or part of a building.

About us

We like to be on the road. Preferably with our customers. 

Wherever you are, we can get there. Whatever you imagine, we make it happen. Or even better: We show you lighting and sensor possi­bil­ities that go beyond your ideas. We do all this with enthu­siasm, because our goal is “Light up your world”!

»We can give nevalux a special wreath for the profes­sional compe­tence, the quality of the lumi­naires and the exem­plary cooperation.« Silvio Speri, Head of Property Maintenance/Sport of the Munic­i­pality of Baar
You can leave the details to us. And the big picture as well.

First inspection

After a tele­phone exchange, we get a compre­hensive impression on site. This is the only way we can provide targeted advice.

Intensive coun­selling

The most obvious solution is not neces­sarily the best one. Let’s go one step further and get the optimum out of it. It’s worth it.

Compre­hensive project management

We are and will remain close. You have a nevalux contact person, and the one who knows the project best.

Coor­di­nation craftsmen

Who will be deployed when and where? We plan not only our handles, but all the work around your lighting project.

We tackle major chal­lenges in part­nership. That way it’s twice as much fun!

Harmo­nious partnership

Your know-how is our gain. And vice versa as well. If we use our expe­rience together, we can make every project shine.

Reliable support

For the selection of lumi­naires and in specific ques­tions about design, control and tech­nology — we are there for you and are happy to provide information.

Long-term support

Once a project is completed, we don’t just sit back and relax. If there are diffi­culties, you can still count on us.

Focus on new technology

We use state-of-the-art inno­va­tions for the benefit of end users and exploit the potential of tech­nical possibilities.

You can concen­trate on what is most important: perfect elec­trical installations!

Good togeth­erness

Our know-how is your profit. The same applies in reverse. This is how we make joint projects shine.

Intensive support

Complex projects such as the Baar community hall are a particular chal­lenge. We are also available to help you with detailed questions.

Uncom­pli­cated linking

Connecting lighting control to an existing control system will cost you a smile. The indi­vidual work steps are that simple.

Long-term support

We are at your side during the commis­sioning and config­u­ration of the lighting. Once a project is completed, we don’t just sit back and relax.


Because we deliver more than products

Product in detail

As versatile as our services: our inno­v­ative standard product range comple­mented by custom lumi­naire construction.

Main product for special solu­tions: our team 

We are a colourful bunch, but one thing unites us all: the enthu­siasm for light! Whether it’s a complete lighting solution, a beau­ti­fully designed lumi­naire or sensor tech­nology — we can talk about it for hours. When it comes to special solu­tions, internal swarm intel­li­gence is in demand. There’s a lot of power in it! With our own production, we can respond to very indi­vidual requirements.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Dave Hunziker. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 25 Contact us