Stein­hauser Center Obersaxen

Safely accom­panied as a senior citizen

Comfort and safety combined

Light in the stairwell that conveys safety. Light that is a shining example of energy effi­ciency. Light that doesn’t give the care­taker a headache. There is only one thing to do: Connected Lighting.
We warmly recom­mended a STEINEL product that can be set, networked and operated via Blue­tooth to the planner. Today, he is just as enthu­si­astic as the client, the resi­dents and not least the care­taker. Every­thing is in his hands. He can control the lights using a mobile phone app. Safe, sustainable lighting is that simple.

  • CustomerStein­hauser Centre, Obersaxen
  • LocationOber­saxen
  • Appli­cationStaircase
  • Our serviceConsul­tancy, lighting solu­tions, support
  • ProductsRS PRO Connect R20 plus SC


nevalux zeigt wie: Energy effi­ciency becomes a matter of course

Save money and resources with sustain­ability. This is how it works.


RS PRO Connect R20 plus SC provides ideal lighting accom­pa­niment in the new Stein­hauser Centre building. The simple lumi­naire with HF sensor, constant light control and indi­vid­ually adjustable run-on time ensures optimum energy savings. Light is only switched on when it is needed — even in an emer­gency. To illu­minate the escape route, the emer­gency lighting modules of the R series, which are inte­grated into the lumi­naires, switch on. The lumi­naires virtually talk to each other, commu­ni­cation is trig­gered by Bluetooth.

Once again, the result shows that connected lighting is the ideal solution for stair­wells. This avoids permanent light and still guar­antees that the light switches on imme­di­ately when a person comes out of the flat or enters the stairwell from outside.

We share our enthu­siasm for connected lighting

It’s no secret that we are fans of intel­ligent lighting management. The fact that we are always able to infect building owners, planners, installers and care­takers with our enthu­siasm is the icing on the cake.
At the Stein­hauser Centre, we worked with a planner who had never before used STEINEL Blue­tooth lumi­naires for lighting design and was delighted. Let yourself be infected. Ask us about intel­ligent and energy-effi­cient lighting solutions!

»I wanted light that was top energy-effi­cient. The Blue­tooth networked lumi­naires fulfil this requirement. They virtually think for them­selves and commu­nicate with each other. The reliable lighting support was new for everyone involved and is greatly appreciated.« Fidel Lechmann, Head of Elec­trical Planning energia alpina, Sedrun
Sustain­ability made simple

Future-proof solution

The convincing quality of the products and the high energy effi­ciency represent a durable and cost-saving solution for your project.

Safety first

The easily clicked-in emer­gency lighting modules also guar­antee the necessary safety in an emergency.

Simple and beautiful

The design of the RS PRO Connect R20 is completely convincing and fulfils the safety require­ments of the user.

Sustainable part­nership

We accompany you from the idea to the completion of the instal­lation. As your partner, we are always in contact with you.

A lighting revo­lution that will inspire you too

Perfect lighting control

Networking lumi­naires via Blue­tooth and controlling them via the app is the future of lighting control. For us, this is a matter of course.

Simple planning

The entire planning process for our lighting solu­tions is intu­itive and uncomplicated.

Convincing part­nership

As your partner, we are at your side with help and advice — in the truest sense of the word.

Worth­while savings

With us, you save over 50% on energy costs and the high quality of the products promises a long, main­te­nance-free service life.

We take (almost) every­thing off your hands

Down-to-earth business

The light is quick and easy to install. Subse­quent settings can be made inde­pen­dently via the app.

Blue­tooth networked

The light is compatible with more than 100 STEINEL products that can be set, operated and networked via Bluetooth.

Invisible security

The R series emer­gency modules can simply be clicked into the lumi­naire. Simple, affordable and easy to install.

Trav­elling together

Thanks to Connected Lightning, nobody is left in the dark. The light accom­panies your customers in the stairwell and we help you with the installation.


Because light provides the necessary safety

Product in detail

A reliable companion that shines when you turn up:

RS Pro Connect R20 plus SC

The alter­native to the R series from STEINEL? None!

The RS PRO Connected R20 with optional emer­gency light is the answer whenever a sustainable and uncom­pli­cated lighting solution is required. HF sensors and Blue­tooth networking ensure maximum energy effi­ciency with savings of up to 90%. The entire sensor system is controlled and main­tained via a user-friendly mobile phone app.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Jürg Artho. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 22 Contact us