Factory hall WISAR, Wyser + Anliker AG

Trans­for­mation through light

Light makes the difference

The lumi­naires in the workshop of WISAR Wyser + Anliker AG were getting on in years, the lighting condi­tions were adven­turous: too weak, too yellowish, too high-main­te­nance. The feedback from employees that the light made them extremely tired and that it was difficult to concen­trate made the management sit up and take notice. A lighting refur­bishment became unavoidable. The company decided to convert to the intel­ligent imani Connect continuous row lighting inserts from nevalux. They not only make a difference to the old FL tubes in terms of lighting tech­nology. The LED tech­nology promises just as much energy-saving potential as the built-in presence and brightness sensor in combi­nation with Blue­tooth networking.

  • CustomerWISAR, Wyser + Anliker AG, Kloten
  • LocationFactory hall WISAR, Kloten
  • Appli­cationFrom FL lumi­naires to LED
  • Our serviceConsulting, planning, imple­men­tation, support
  • Productsimani connect


shows how: The trans­for­mation of a factory hall

Light at the work­place that inspires.


Any lighting would have been better than what we encoun­tered. But not every lighting system would have met the needs of the management and the employees as precisely as the solution with imani Connect. It is simply perfect for replacing T5 and T8 fluo­rescent tubes and thus a guar­antee for energy savings. And it is clever: the perma­nently installed presence and brightness sensor in combi­nation with Blue­tooth networking makes imani Connect one of the most intel­ligent solu­tions for workshop lighting. The formation of light groups is extremely flexible, and the overrun time can be set individually.
The new lighting in the Wisar workshop demon­strably improved the working atmos­phere and safety. Whereas details were some­times difficult to recognise during instal­lation, nothing is over­looked today.
For the instal­lation, we used the existing mounting rail instal­lation wherever possible. This also saves costs and is also extremely ecolog­i­cally sensible.

The right product for every situation

At the beginning there is the analysis. This must be done care­fully. Because all further steps in the process of a lighting refur­bishment are based on it. That’s why we take time on site to record the rooms and the existing lighting concept and to clarify the customer’s needs in a personal discussion. Only then can we create and present a customised solution with the appro­priate product.

»For the lighting refur­bishment, only energy-saving, intel­ligent LED lumi­naires came into question. And a company that could offer us the appro­priate advice and support. We found both at nevalux AG.« Marc Anliker, Division Manager Sales, WISAR Wyser + Anliker AG
Here comes the Swiss-made light trans­for­mation.

Product Swiss made

imani was developed by us and is produced in Switzerland. This guar­antees avail­ability and impec­cable product support.

Save energy now!

Simply switching from FL tubes to LED lumi­naires saves energy. Presence and brightness sensors ensure that energy consumption is further reduced.

Safety first

With our lighting solu­tions, safety at the work­place is ensured and your employees work with the highest quality of light.

Expe­rience counts

We have already imple­mented numerous lighting refur­bish­ments. Always indi­vid­ually and success­fully. Ask us for references.

Lighting refur­bish­ments easily planned, with our continuous row inserts. 

Fast refur­bishment, high quality

Func­tion­ality, lighting quality and lumi­naire service life are just as guar­anteed with continuous row inserts as with complete LED solutions.

Connect and DALI

The imani developed by us and produced in Switzerland is available as an intel­ligent Connect version or as a conven­tional DALI luminaire.

The future today

What comes tomorrow must concern us today. So we plan for expanded possi­bil­ities such as IoT in our developments.

Reliable concept partner

Leave the conception of the solution to us. We are respon­sible for func­tion­ality and imple­men­tation so that your and our customer promise is kept.

Elab­orate lighting refur­bishment? We don’t know!

Easy instal­lation

The new light modules can be inserted quickly and without tools. The insert fits onto most existing continuous-row lighting systems.

Carefree commis­sioning

After instal­lation, it only takes a few taps of the finger. All settings can be made on the smart­phone via app.

Low-main­te­nance luminaires

The long oper­ating times of the Imani make it unnec­essary to replace the light sources. This reduces oper­ating costs to almost zero.

Solu­tions ready

We ensure a positive instal­lation expe­rience. You have ques­tions about instal­lation. Give us a call, we’ll take care of everything.


Because we guar­antee quality with our own products

Product in detail

For the refur­bishment of strip lighting with T5 and T8 fluo­rescent tubes

imani connect

We know what’s behind it

The imani continuous row insert is made by nevalux. The demands we placed on ourselves, or rather on the lumi­naire, during the conception phase were high: the intel­ligent lumi­naire must fit into most existing continuous-row systems, the energy savings thanks to constant light control and presence detection must be stag­gering, and the production in Switzerland must be high-quality and precise. All fulfilled! And we are proud of that. imani — available as an intel­ligent Connect version and as a conven­tional DALI lumi­naire — is simply a joy to use!

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Benno Schöb. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 29 Contact us