Steinacker Witikon

90% Power saving

Saving energy? No question for us. But the answer.

Why should light be on when no one needs it? That’s what the operator and the resi­dents of the ASIG apartment buildings in Steinacker Witikon were asking them­selves. The 24/7 continuous lighting in the stairwell from 2005 produced temper­a­tures of up to 30 degrees. Summer. In winter. Always. Even more unpleasant than the heat were the elec­tricity bills. So the coop­er­ative looked for an envi­ron­men­tally friendly, energy-saving and sustainable lighting solution. And found it at nevalux AG. Since the lighting refur­bishment with the modern, intel­ligent and stylish lumi­naires, elec­tricity costs have dropped by 90%. The mood of those involved, on the other hand, was rising. And the envi­ronment is happy too.

  • CustomerASIG Housing Asso­ci­ation Zürich
  • LocationSteinacker, Witikon
  • Appli­cationStaircase
  • Our serviceConsul­tation, lighting solution, coor­di­nation of lighting refurbishment
  • ProductsRS PRO Connect R20 (16 Watt)
    R‑series emer­gency lighting modules


shows the way: Energy savings all the way.

Light reno­vation à la Steinacker? This is how it works.


After an intensive analysis by our specialist on site, we proposed a connected lighting solution to ASIG. In the entrance areas and stair­wells of the three prop­erties, the FL lumi­naires were replaced by wire­lessly networkable sensor lumi­naires of the R series (RS PRO Connect R20 16 Watt). In addition, emer­gency light modules ensure that an LED emer­gency light (107 lm) switches onfor three hours in the event of a power failure.

About us

Energy effi­ciency? Not a buzzword for us. It is some­thing we care about. 

Up to 90% energy savings speak for them­selves. Just like the consis­tently positive feedback from resi­dents on their new stairwell lighting. And not only in the Steinacker. Working with nevalux means always asking for the best energy solution. We provide the answer and implement it consis­tently with the building owner, planners and installers: for the sake of the resi­dents and the environment.

»nevalux has perfectly imple­mented the ASIG spec­i­fi­ca­tions in a lighting solution that has been thought out down to the last detail. The energy cost savings are impressive.« Eduardo Silva, Head of Property Management, Housing Asso­ci­ation ASIG, Zurich
With an intel­ligent lighting system, your calcu­la­tions add up.

Save costs

Thanks to extremely effi­cient lumi­naires, you save up to 90% energy. This pays off every month — in the truest sense of the word.

Future in sight

Networking via Blue­tooth is already part of everyday life, and IOT connec­tivity is a future-oriented option.

Beau­tiful and safe

The design of the RS PRO Connect R20 is completely convincing and meets the safety and comfort needs of the users.

Together on the road

We see ourselves as partners and accompany the entire project, including funding applications.

You can concen­trate on the most important things again:great planning. 

Suitable for all projects

A smart solution not only for new buildings: The intel­ligent lighting control system can also be used in refur­bishment projects without any changes to the old building.

More benefit, less effort

With this solution, no addi­tional sensor planning needs to be done. A sensor is installed in each lumi­naire, the detection range is no problem thanks to the sensor density.

Intel­ligent through and through

Blue­tooth networking and full flex­i­bility in the grouping of lumi­naires, tailored to the needs of the building owner. Grouping is possible after installation.

On the safe side

Reliable detection and a flexibly adjustable range ensure safety in the stairwell.

Install intel­ligent lumi­naires in the stairwell: Play­fully simple!

No cable trailing

No new wiring is needed. Setting up and commis­sioning with Blue­tooth are also child’s play: An app on the smart­phone is all that is needed.

Flexible mounting

The round RS PRO Connect is available in three sizes, the square lumi­naire in two. All shapes and sizes fit into the same mounting base.

Safety guar­anteed

The emer­gency light module is optional, but can be retro­fitted very easily. The emer­gency light and status LEDs are fitted as standard in all luminaires.

Your contact

We never leave you in the dark. If you have any ques­tions or uncer­tainties, we are here for you.


Because light should put you in a good mood

Product in detail

First-class interior lighting solu­tions have a name: RS PRO Connect

RS PRO Connect

Must-have in the stairwell — the RS PRO Connect R series from STEINEL 

The intel­ligent sensor lumi­naire system combines optimal light with the simplest instal­lation and wireless networking. The RS PRO Connect is available in round and square versions, each with four light func­tions: Basic light, back­light, dimmable main light and emer­gency light.

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Matthias Käser. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 26 Contact us