Our services

360° project support

360° project support à la nevalux

Are you planning a lighting moderni­sation and wondering how to approach it in the most effi­cient and uncom­pli­cated way?

Our lighting experts have the answer and will guide you into the future of lighting. We offer you a service package that leaves nothing to be desired, along with our state-of-the-art, energy-effi­cient lighting solu­tions. We are there for you from the first contact to the support after the project implementation.

Inter­ested? Then ask for a quote for our services. The costs depend on the size of the project.

“With our services, we take your lighting projects to the next level and implement them simply, effi­ciently and successfully.”

Fabian Bolliger, Internal Sales

Consul­tancy and analysis
Observe, listen, record, evaluate 


We show you what intel­ligent lighting solu­tions can do. We can provide you with the infor­mation over the phone, send it by email or, even better, explain it to you in person at the property.

Needs assessment

In the next step, we determine the project require­ments. Either you send us plans of the property or we meet on site.

Potential analysis

What we can already assure you of here and now. With an intel­ligent lighting solution, you save a huge amount of energy and thus costs. We will tell you how great the potential is.


Can existing mounting rails for strip lighting still be used? And which solution ensures maximum effi­ciency in reno­vation projects? We determine the possi­bil­ities and make you a proposal.

Planning and concept
Strategic approach for customised solutions

Planning docu­ments

The only document types we need from you are PDF and DWG files. These form the basis for detailed advice and planning.

Optimal placement

It doesn’t take many lumi­naires to create ideal lighting condi­tions. The key is the ideal posi­tioning of the lumi­naires and sensors.

Light calcu­la­tions

An important aspect of lighting design is the illu­mi­nance and thus the light calcu­lation. We analyse how much and what type of light is required and plan further with this data.

Lighting concept

Based on the three steps listed above, our lighting experts create a lighting solution that meets all your requirements.

Know-how and care until it works


Commis­sioning involves many aspects: the daylight must be measured, the illu­mi­nance must be correct, as must the follow-up time. You can rely on the nevalux specialists for commissioning.


If tech­nical problems arise after commis­sioning, you can count on our help. We won’t give up until it works!

Training and support
The end of the project is not the end


We offer compre­hensive training for project managers, elec­trical planners, care­takers and service tech­ni­cians. The aim is to famil­iarise them with the systems used and enable them to operate them independently.


Some­times, despite training, you come up against your limits. Don’t hesitate to call us. We will support you by phone or on site.

Do you need support? Make an appointment with our team!

Now it’s time to work together.

I am Fabian Bolliger. Let’s talk in person. 

I look forward to your call.

+41 44 521 81 20 Contact us